MMRL can assist you in the following areas of labour law
- (International) labour law
- Employers, directors, shareholders
- Dismissal and poor performance
- Termination of contract of employment (by mutual agreement).
- Compensation to be paid in the event of termination of a contract of employement.
- Re-organisation
- Transfer of a business and termination of a business.
- Collective dismissal.
- Contracts of employment for a specific time period or an unspecified period of time.
- Flexible contracts of employment.
- Amending existing terms of employment.
- Non-compete clauses.
- Additional activity clauses.
- Non Disclosure Agreements and clauses.
- Litigation and advice.
- All aspects of the Dutch law of Collective Labour Agreements.
- The Dutch law of Employee Participation in company decision making.
- Various Collective Labour Agreements, including: – CAO Metalektro;
– CAO voor Uitzendkrachten of Collective Labour Agreement for Temporary Agency Workers;
- Maritime labour law
- Crewing agencies.
- Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)
- Employment agencies / pay-rolling / freelancers
- Various Dutch specific labour law statutes, including:
– Wet Arbeidsmarkt In Balans
– Wet Werk En Zekerheid
– WAADI (Wet Allocatie Arbeidskrachten Door Intermediairs)
– Wet Normalisering Rechtspositie Ambtenaren
– WAV (Wet Arbeid Vreemdelingen)
– Wet Minimumloon En Minimumvakantiebijslag (WML)