Dutch courts open(ing) for business in English

Incorporation of the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC)
Plans have been completed to incorporate a Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC). The intention is that the NCC will commence its work on 1 January 2017, although this date is subject to the passing of a new law. The NCC will deal with large (international) disputes and will be manned by specialised judges. Unless parties agree differently, proceedings at the NCC will be in the English language. The reason for the incorporation of the NCC is to make the Netherlands a more attractive business centre for international companies. The plan for the incorporation of the NCC (in Dutch) can be downloaded here.

Legal proceedings in English at the Court of Rotterdam
As of 1 January 2016 it is possible for parties to legal proceedings at the court of Rotterdam concerning maritime or transport disputes to agree that the legal proceedings will be conducted in the English language. The agreement to litigate in English can also be made after the writ of summons has been served. See the rules for litigation in English (written in Dutch) here. These rules will apply until 1 July 2017, after which date he court will evaluate its experiences of litigation in the English language.